Member-only story
I want to touch the hearts of all of the little girls everywhere who have temporarily lost hope. I want to re-ignite their dreams. Their wishes. The fire in their belly that catapolts them out of freeze and fawn and into fight and flight. For their life.
Little girls everywhere are drowning. They watch their mothers and fathers dissasociate. On their phones. On their t.v.s On their computers. Their parents dreams a distant memory as their eyes glaze over, their knees buckle, their nervous systems frozen in time. From overwhelm. From grief. From rage and heartbreak.
The American Dream is not for everyone. Yet little girls need to know that it can be for them. If they are willing to fight.
They must know the truth. Unless you are born with a silver spoon and set of parents who will tirelessly guide you towards the truth; you must discover it on your own. You must create your own blueprint for your life.
Through the school of hard knocks. Heartbreak. Loss. Failure. Grief. Adversity. These will be your teachers. These will be your gifts.
Little girls everywhere must know that the cracks in their story are lined with golden and silver linings.
That there is strength and resiliency to be gained through the lessons of rejection, heartbreak, and loss. In fact these lessons are your wisest teachers.