Let Go and Trust

Karissa Kocjancic
3 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Do you know the final step to manifestation? It is less about doing and more about letting go of control and trusting. It is perhaps the most integral part of the manifestation process itself. So, you’ve written down what it looks like when it all goes as well as it possibly can and now, you’re just waiting. Waiting for the person, place, thing, relationship, house you, name it, to show up. Waiting for the call. The e-mail. The text.



Karissa Kocjancic

Lover of life. Believer of people. Connoisseur of growth. Mom. RYT-500. & Certified Life Coach at www.powerhouseprana.com and www.jrni.co