Member-only story
The Woman I am Becoming
I love the woman I am becoming because I fought so hard to discover her. The feeling of being lost and then found again is something I am familiar with. As I return home to myself it is the little things I notice. How comfortable I am again in silence. Sitting with myself. Such a necessary act on the path to mastering self love, yet how much of my life have I spent running from it? The stillness. For in the space created to nurture a love so deep it was not lack I discovered by rather abundance. Abundance of choice. Of time. Breathe. As the world aches from the necessary act of sitting in solitude; I am ever so grateful for it. For it is here that lies our ability to face ourselves, our demons; it is where we learn our capacity for forgiveness, peace, clarity, wisdom and love. Only to the extend that we can shine the mirror and flashlight on our own choices, needs, desires and find liberation through the actions that align us with our highest self can we truly love and see another. For the greatest olive branch we can ever extend is the one that connects us to our past selves; the people we were that no longer serve us.. and as we extend the branch let us whisper “its ok. you too are worthy of loving kindness. You too are worthy of forgiveness. You too are worthy, deserving, and capable of letting go of all that no longer serves you and leaning into the acceptance of your whole person; both dark and light. You too are worthy of stepping into your best life. Now is the time. For you were never going to be ready. You just had to decide to do it anyway.” and as we pass the olive branch to our past selves we give birth to a new version of ourselves. A seed is planted. It is now the daily choice to water it that determines its growth.” — Written by me in the initial months of the coronavirus pandemic — April 6th 2020