Member-only story
Transformation. Fall leaves and the changing of their colors remind us of the impermaneance of life. Each autumn I receive the gift of getting to celebrate my anniversary with my partner when the veil is at its thinnest. Today. My physical and spiritual worlds begin to merge and I am reminded of the magic I believe in. The magic that is within me. The magic that is within you. The magic that is above us and below us. The mystical wildlands and the creatures that call it home. The place I now call home as a result of the magic that led me here. The trusting of my own inner compass. My intuitions calling to get in the car and drive west. My intuitions knowing when to stay and when to go, what is mine to own and what isn’t, continues to serve me, present day.
Three falls ago, knee deep in the midst of burnout I honored myself with self compassion and chose to head west on my own journey of self actualization. It was an energetic letting go of that which no longer served me and a search for that which did. It was a following of a blueprint and a vision I had created while grappling with a knowing that nothing ever looks exactly as we plan. So how do we know when to trust the transformation in front of us is for our highest good? How to know where and when to bloom where we are planted, staking our birthright to call a place home….
How do you feel? Empowered? Honored? Valued? Are you met with kindness and warmth? Reminded of your power when you…